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Common Questions


•How does a group get started? Sitting around after dinner talking......


•How are members selected? A self-selection process. Opportunity to choose your neighbours, however most people who choose to be in cohousing are people you will be happy to have as neighbours.


•How is Cohousing different from a Co-op? A strata title is more easily financed than a co-op.


•What is it going to cost? About the same as any house in Denmark , the project is designed to achieve economies of scale and deliver affordable homes.


•Can I sell my unit when I have to move? Yes, there is usually a wait list!!


•What about privacy? People have private courtyards and fully self-contained homes. Privacy arises out of good design and normal respectful protocols.


•How long does it take? Finding land and building from scratch can take several years (2-5 yrs) to complete. Refitting and adapting can be much shorter.


•Can I have a single family home? Yes, each home is self contained with private living, dining and kitchen areas. There are benefits to clustering and stacking. Units can range from studios to three or four bedrooms.


•Will I own my own home? The Strata title entitles legal ownership (each household owns its own home together with a share of the common facilities).


•Can I build my own house?

No, the houses will be built as a project to ensure unity and harmony in design and form.


•Can I rent my unit if I go away? Yes you can, however the tenant needs to sign up to the vision statement and management agreements.


•Do I need to go to all the meetings? Someone does. Meetings help define what the group wants. If you don’t turn up, you give up an opportunity to participate in decisions. We recognize that sometimes people are simply too busy to come to all of them.


•Who will do the work in the common areas? Gardens, and cleaning the common house is usually maintained either by a combination of individuals or by a strata management service (fees for those who work, easier to contract out).


•Do I have to participate in all group activities? No, but people are encourage to come to as many as possible.


 © 2015 by Deco Living Pty Ltd, Donald Clarke

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