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Two Story Family Homes


Solar passive designed 130m2 duplex homes, complemented by nearby 118m2 Common House.

The 9-star energy-rated solar passive designed 130m2 duplexed 2 storey home is compact and comfortable.


Fully self-contained downstairs with kitchen, living area, and toilet/shower, laundry, main bedroom and second bedroom or potential office. Up-stairs with two bedrooms, a sitting area and second toilet/shower.









Energy efficient heat pump hot water and a share in integrated 49kW solar power generation with battery backup. And rainwater and greywater system.

North-facing courtyard, separate storage area, rear access to gardens/orchard.

The information age is not neglected with reticulated nbn/phone, TV and ethernet connections, with internet shared cost discounting.

 © 2015 by Deco Living Pty Ltd, Donald Clarke

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