Deco-Village DecoHousing Denmark

The Concept : Co-Housing
What is Cohousing?
•Collaboration for affordable housing
•Community arises out of the design of the neighbourhood
•Shared common spaces and resources
•Cooperation arises out of proximity
•Beautiful spaces foster the growth of friendship and community
•Life with a diverse group of people
•8-25 homes
•Strata Title ownership
•Mix of home sizes
•Range of ages and household types
•Separation of the car encourages people- friendly interaction
•Small Dwellings with private courtyards
Six Common Characteristics
1.Participation: Residents participate in the planning and design of their houses
2.Design: The physical design encourages a strong sense of community
3.Extensive Common Facilities: Common areas are designed for daily use to supplement private living areas
4.Resident Management: Residents manage the development, make decisions of common concern
5.Non-hierarchal Structures: Decisions of common concern are shared
6.Residents are financially independent. Everyone owns their own unit and pays strata/ membership fees to upkeep common areas.
Collective Participation
•A core group (6-12 people) establishes a development program, finds the site and seeks other interested people.
•All houses are usually sold before project is finished.
•Organising and planning requires meetings, research and decision making.
•Community emerges through working together to reach a common goal.
Environmental Design Principles
•Beautiful architecture
•Designed Landscapes
•Walking distance from shops and cafes
•Passive Solar buildings designed for natural climate control
•Durable, non-toxic building materials
•Solar Power and hot water
•Water Wise: Rainwater collection, gardens
•Recycling, reusing, composting
Economic Design Principles
•Residents are financially autonomous and save money and time through collaboration.
•Shared facilities office, laundry, music, theatre
•Multipurpose workshop(s)
•Shared use of guestrooms
•Reduced running costs from energy efficient design
•Common gardens for growing food
•Shared meals, car pooling, child care
Community Space Design
•A spacious Common house is at the heart of all cohousing communities world- wide.
•Large common land: landscaping, ponds, gardens, wild areas, orchards, rotundas, BBQ & pizza areas, nooks, hot tubs?
•Simple easily Maintained common spaces
•Cars parked outside, with occasional access to houses for emergencies
The Common House Elements
•Beautiful entrance
•Spacious well resourced kitchen
•Dining room acoustically designed
•Guest rooms to use or rent
•Lounge, theatre, library
•Spaces for all ages
•Yoga, music and special rooms
•Workshops and garden sheds
•Shared laundry
What will we be doing?
•Eating, playing, yoga, dancing......
•Having rich and wonderful conversations that grow deeper over time
•Relaxing with a cuppa
•Breakfast on the piazza or in your private courtyard
•Being in a neighbourhood designed for friendship, practicality and convenience.
•Creating beautiful landscapes that no one should ever do on their own
•You name it.........
Co-Housing Links
The Cohousing Handbook – Building a Place for Community
Chris Hanson
An essential book to read to inform your membership.
CO-HOUSING - From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A cohousing community is a type of intentional community composed of private homes supplemented by shared facilities. The community is planned, owned and managed by the residents – who also share activities. Cohousing facilitates interaction among neighbours for social and practical benefits, economic and environmental benefits.
Distinctives of Cohousing
Cohousing began in Denmark, Europe in the early 1970s. People were looking for an environment with more community than the suburban neighbourhoods being offered at the time. It was a reaction to the suburban neighbourhoods we all know where each household lives on its own island, many people do not know their neighbours and the motor car is king.
Introduction to Cohousing and Ecovillages
Cohousing and ecovillages are a significant part of the solution to Australia's housing crisis, addressing the crucial issues of affordability, ecological impact and community building.
Introduction to Cohousing & the Australian Context
In the contemporary climate of housing affordability, social isolation
and environmental concerns, the cohousing model seems to address all
these issues and offers a housing alternative.
Cohousing in the World
Further information about Cohousing